fifteenth 20 // 24

jenny scheinman & allison miller “parlour game”

musicmusicmusic “just a gigolo”

nina simone “sings the blues”

george garzone “the monash sessions”

bud shank “the doctor is in”

simon moullier “spirit song”

john yao’s triceratops “off-kilter”

cory weeds & the jeff hamilton trio “happy madness”

bar lines & beyond “front”

laura jurd “stepping back, jumping in”

mtb “solid jackson”

quincy jones “the birth of a band”

césar cardoso “dice of tenors”

thelonious monk “brilliant corners”

bobby sparks II “schizophrenia : the yang project”

chris potter “got the keys to the kingdom”

dave holland “another land”

aaron parks “little big III”

horace tapscott “aiee! the phantom”

gregory groover jr, “lovabye”