12th 20*22

greentea peng “man made”

three fall “on a walkout”

emma-jean thackray “yellow”

fkj “french kiwi juice”

carmell jones “business meetin”

bendik giske “cracks”

don ellis “out of nowhere”

gregory tardy “if time could stand still”

enrique oliver & jaume llombert “everything i love”

matt mayhall “fanatics”

jeremy cunningham “the weather up there”

daniel rotem & josh johnson quartet “sweet stuff”

slowly rolling camera “juniper”

keith jarrett “belonging”

chris speed trio “platinum on tap”

grachan moncur III “some other stuff”

tootie heath “kwanza”

hank roberts “science of love”

marshall gilkes “cyclic journey”

dj shadow “endtroducing (re-emagined)”